
The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood (1969)

Marian is in her 20s, lives with another young lady, has a nine-to-five office job and a boyfriend, soon to became her fiancé. He's handsome, well-paid, lives in an under work apartment, and usually talks to Marian as if she were his maid.

Marian is torn between what should seem to be the ideal prospect, getting married to a solid man, and a strangely comfortable relationship with a depressed literature student. 

Although The Edible Woman deals with issues women had to face in the 1960s (it was published in 1969), the modern female reader will recognize problems we still live with.

Whatever the period of time Margaret Atwood's stories are set in, her characters, their feelings and the decisions they have to make continue to be relevant in our present time and societies.