
Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (2022)

It’s a story of friendship, love, pain, regrets and caring but all set in the world of video game design, which makes the novel a totally modern one. Obviously, you can enjoy it not knowinganythingabout video games but if you do, you’ll enjoy it so much more! 
Sam and Sadie have known each other for a long time, they are in a way more than friends, but no sex is involved: Sam has been in a car accident that killed hie mother and left him with ahorriblypainful foot, which makes anything to do with his body complicated and shameful while Sadie’s feelings for him swing between resentment and deep and true love.
Both are video game geniuses, and the way they invent, imagine, create and design their eventually successful games gives a thought-provoking and detailed insight into the world of VGD.
As they move from the east coast to L.A., they experience personal and professional failures and successes, mood and life swings paralleled in the games they so smartly design.
I could write on and on about this book, as well structured as an efficient VG, and so funny! 
““There is no more intimate act than play, even sex.” The internet responded: no one who has ever had good sex would ever say that, and there must be something seriously wrong with Sam.””
It’s also full of literary references: Shakespeare, Joan Didion, Emily Dickinson or Homer are invoked to help the characters go on with their lives and careers. 
One of the best books I’ve read so far this year!

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